Sunday, June 26, 2011

Starting on the detail work...

I got started working on the cockpit and (possibly today) the engineering section.  It's going to be a bit of a pig in the poly-count (probably in the neighborhood of 100k).

1 comment:

Scarecrow said...

Looking good. The windows are still visibly faceted. Have a look at that before you get too carried away with details. Depending on how close you intend to get to it, tiny details like knobs and switches could be handled by a Normal map. Don't be afraid to get poly-intensive 100K really isn't that much for a render mesh. You could probably get close to a million before your machine chokes. I know I've had files with over 500K polys in before now. Can't remember what the poly count was on the Florian but it must have been at least that. I just use layers or groups to hide stuff to speed things up.